Comic: Liõ |
Very awesome comic that has yet to appear in the local paper. |
Comic: Crabs In Hats |
Not really a comic, but worth checking out. |
Comic: Count Your Sheep |
Sweet and funny. Probably too saccharine for your average webcomic reader. Still, one of the best out there. And maybe the only 'gag-a-day' webcomic that could succeed in the newspapers. |
Comic: Dueling Analogs |
Crap, double posted! How embarrassing. |
Comic: Dueling Analogs |
It's been done before...and by people much better at art and humour than this guy. Avoid this one. |
Comic: Dueling Analogs |
It's been done before...and by people much better at art and humour than this guy. Avoid this one. |
Comic: Catharsis |
Not a fan of the comic.
But the "Sketch-Days" are always a hoot. |
Comic: Bunny |
I don't know why I read it. It's rarely funny. But still I click on that link every damn time. |
Comic: Bourgeoishington Comics |
While I think the experiment in 'talking-head' style comics is laudable, the jokes just plain suck. |
Comic: Boondocks |
I started reading the comic after watching the show. The show is genius. The original comic...not so much. |
Comic: Baby Blues |
Perhaps this stuff does ring true for a lot of parents, but the bland writing and non-jokes can only take it so far.
This piece of crap clutters up the comics page. Why, oh why, would anyone want this cluttering up their cache as well? |
Comic: Pathos in the Plumbing |
Yet another daily life comic. But instead of poorly drawn art we have poorly constructed 3D animation. There writing is just boring. |
Comic: Wal, The |
Probably the most innovative concept for a web comic out there today. Just needs to update regularly and it'd be up on the top. |
Comic: Chopping Block |
CHOPPING BLOCK updates so rarely these days. But when it is one of the sickest and funniest comics out there.
Buy the book and see them all at once. It is worth it. |
Comic: Casual Gamers |
Good artwork that isn't manga style. Funny jokes, but mostly just of the inside variety. An interesting take on rpg-gaming culture.
Still, it is worth checking out. |
Comic: VG Cats |
Wicked video game humor mixed with a unique art style makes this one of the best of the best.
Always funny. In some sick way it is always funny. |
Comic: Ozy and Millie |
In the beginning Ozy and Millie was good. Then it was excellent. Then it really sucked for a couple of years. Now it's slowly becoming good again. |
Comic: Nip and Tuck |
The archives are hilarious. Too bad the story lines take for-eve-eerr to finish.
One of those comics that is better when seen all at once than piece meal. |
Comic: Order of the Stick, The |
Don't let the artwork fool you, this is a surprisingly funny comic. |
Comic: Count Your Sheep |
Why this comic is syndicated yet I will never know.
Cute. Often funny. And sweet HONEST characters.
Read it. Read it NOW. |
Comic: Powerpuff Girls D |
If watched too many cartoons growing I did...
Then you will love this concept.
Simply the best comic out there today. Just wish it would update more. |
Comic: Better Days |
The art is great. But that's really it.
The story would fit in with any Lifetime channel drama. That is not a compliment. It is rarely funny, or at least the funny bits don't make me laugh.
And incest...creepy, creepy incest. This is one to avoid. |
Comic: Tales of The Questor |
The story is very well-written. Probably would make a better children's book though.
It is full colour, but a very simple style that can be confusing and distracting. He could use a real colorist to touch up his stuff.
But once you get into the story this will quickly become one of your favorite plot-driven comics. |
In the over-populated genre of autobiographical geek comics this stands head and shoulders above the rest. |
Comic: Angel Moxie |
Yes it is cute. A funny magical girl story that doesn't feel forced. |
Comic: I drew this |
Not as funny as his other comic Ozy and Millie. Nor as insightful.
Just a bunch of strawmen for him to knock down. |