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User Profile For Woots  
The best cartoonist ever.
Comics By Woots: Bring Your Own Awesome, FAIL!, Nate Vs.
Comments Posted: 32
Favourites: 83
Profile Images Posted: 5
Comic Synopses Posted: 4
Below is a list of comments made by Woots, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Tuna Carpaccio P.I. 5/5
FABOOSH! Awesome!
Art and writing's great, and I love what you do with fonts and accents. :D
Comic: FAIL!  
Why is this #14?! I hate you, Nate Wootters! You smell! And you're fat! And I hate you!
Comic: August Jessor 4/5
I know there's not a lot there right now, but so far, it's lookin' crazy awesome ^_^
I can't quite place my finger on it, but something about it reminds me of Sam and Max. Wacky.
Comic: nemu*nemu 4/5
I'm gonna need to take a deep breath for this...
*deep breath*
C ute, funny stuff. ^^
Comic: Crabs In Hats 4/5
It's kinda like Deisel Sweeties, but cuter and weirder and less one-note. The weekend art's pretty good too.
Comic: Hookie Dookie Panic! 5/5
This comic is a damn never perfect mix of gamer, nerd, anime and good ol' weird humor. The art's really interesting too. *JOY-GASM!*
Comic: Bring Your Own Awesome  
Er... I meant 'for you'....
......I don't write the comic - don't worry.
Comic: Bring Your Own Awesome  
Hey. I hate to see a blank space down here, so I figured I should write a review, but it's kinda awkward, since I draw the thing.

It's a pretty cool comic though. You should totally read it. I promise you'll like it.

Come on - you can trust me. Remember that time I did your homework for me? 8th grade? Mr. Hagen's class?

Yeah, you remember. Read the comic.
Comic: Rogue Robot  
Sure they do.
Comic: Steps 5/5
It's hard to judge a work by only 25 strips, but I'd say that this is shaping up to be a pretty sweet lil' webcomic. The art's really pretty - I love when the characters go all chibi-like ^.^
Comic: Noses Optional 5/5
Updates kinda infrequently, but this comic is SOOO much fun to read! The main characters seem like the funnest people ever! n_n
Comic: Rogue Robot 5/5
Great comic! Seriously. Great. I read through the archives in one sitting and it kept me sane in the middle of an all-nighter of finals studies.
It's so good, in fact, that I may have to kill the authors.
Ha-ha!...... Staplers...
Comic: Press Start to Play 5/5
I'll admit that I'm a little bitter because apparently ALL of this comic's traffic comes from VGCats, but I'll be damned if this isn't a solid piece of webcomicking.
Comic: Dueling Analogs 2/5
I have to admit that, if this comic didn't get so popular so fast, I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it. But as it is, it's mediocre, at best, and usually not funny, just dirty. The art's decent I guess, but it's certainly no Outer Circle.
Comic: Strippy Comics 4/5
I laughed so hard reading some of these!
The humor kinda reminds me of Perry Bible Fellowship, but not as well drawn.
Comic: Flipside 5/5
Undeniably the best anime comic I've ever read. Great art, great characters, great story, you gotta love it.
Comic: F.A.R.T.S. 5/5
I love this comic! It's something that you can really laugh at because it's the kind of funny that you see in real life ^_^
Comic: Muffin Time 4/5
I tried and tried so hard to convince myself that this wasn't funny, because, by all logic, it's not. But then why do I love it so? Oh, Muffin Time, I can't stay mad at you... ^_^
Comic: Joe Loves Crappy Movies 5/5
This comic is so funny, has such great illustrations, and it''s just beautiful....
Really got me laughing hard a few times ^^
Comic: Year One - the strip 4/5
Even though this isn't exactly the first comic to put classic characters in school together, it's still a pretty funny comic. I love the artwork.
While it's true that some of the gags are kinda inside-jokey with comic fans, I still think the majority are funny.
Comic: Ctrl+Alt+Delete 3/5
I think that this comic is okay. Pretty funny most of the time.

I'm not gonna get into that whole CAD vs PA thing, cause it's not worth it. I don't care who was here first, but, in any case, this is not exactly the best gaming comic around.
Comic: Room For One More 4/5
The large and diverse cast size is definately one of the nice parts of this comic. I'm not usually a fan of furries, but this one's different, somehow...

In a good way. ^_^
Comic: Anywhere But Here 5/5
It's a rare thing these days to see a comic that's funny with characters that you can really identify with. Great comic!
Comic: FAIL!  
Don't get me wrong on this. While I appreciate the comments from my friends, publicly posting positive feedback that's OBVIOUSLY from personal friends (KAPTAINOWNAGE AND VONDOOM) is seriously killing my street cred.
Comic: FAIL!  
Thanks, guys. I appreciate the support. ^_^
Comic: Marooned on the Mainland 1/5
I mean no offense by this, but the comic is just there
as advertising, right? So you can sell T-Shirts? Hey, that's cool. The shirts are pretty cool. Lovely tiki statues, too.

The comic, on the other hand....
Comic: MouseWax 4/5
I've read through all your archives and it's nice to see that you've stayed funny and original. I especially liked that whole 'new jesus' bit. Very nice! :)
Comic: FAIL!  
Yeah, I got tired of seeing an empty page down here, so....

"Two Thumbs Up!" -Roger Ebert
"Like Glorious Music!" -James Lipton
"Truly my greatest creation!" -God

Updates Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Comic: Asylum 360 5/5
Dude, your comic is hilarious! Why in god's name is it not higher in the rankings? It's a crazy world, I guess....
Comic: 4/5
Meh, I don't care what these other guys saying. I think you're doing a pretty good job. It's kind of like Far Side or Bizarro. I hope you keep going.
Comic: Worst Webcomic Ever, The 4/5
Sorry to go against the title, but I think it's pretty damn funny. One of the worst drawn things I've ever seen, but it almost makes it funnier. Please keep making them

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