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Genre: Gaming
Date Added: Before Time Began
Last Update: 26 April 2017
Current Comic Ranking: 90/26237
Views This Month: 28964   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 3347   (More...)
Favourite of: 485 members
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People who like this comic also like: Demonology 101, Get Fuzzy, Key, Banished!, Juathuur: Gatecrash
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Two die-hard gaming roommates and a Linux user take everyday challenges to the extreme. Ethan, the eccentric gamer with severe illusions of granduer, at the same time being completely out of touch with reality is friendly yet dangerous. Lucas is the brains behind every operation, often keeping a close eye on Ethan and helping him out of trouble, he much prefers the X-Box to any other console, as does Ethan. Scott is the third roommate, not quite a gamer, but an expert with Linux, he is very rarely seen and owns a penguin, a la Linux logo. Lilah is Ethan's girlfriend, Nobody really knows how he is ABLE to get a girlfriend, but Lilah is brainy, beautiful and owns in UT2004.

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extra skater 5/5
THE LOSS!!!!!!
fruitbat 2/5
A mildly interesting, occasionally funny webcomic.

Not as good as it used to be. It feels like the artist is trying to find a new direction to take the comic, but hasn\'t really figured out which direction to take.
OrlahEhontas 2/5
Back when this comic actually had a storyline with Ethan, Lilah, and the rest of the main cast, I would have given this comic a 4-5 star rating. Since the author/artist switched over to gaming parody strips, it\'s gone down to a 1-2 star rating. I understand why Mr. Buckley felt he had to go that direction since his original story had pretty much ended, but I don\'t do enough gaming to really understand the parodies and if I don\'t get the joke, it isn\'t a very good (in my mind) joke. And if it isn\'t all that good, why read it. Which is why I have pulled this one from my list of favorites and have quit reading it. I have put it on my list of comics to check on occasionally in the hopes that he will go back to Ethan and the rest of the cast, but I\'m not gonna hold my breath waiting for it.
Lordyv23 5/5
For me, I find this comic very interesting. I like the story. I love Lilah, it reminds me of my GF.
bushwhacker2k 1/5
Yet another example of something that appears to be blatantly overrated webcomic. In general I find that I just don\'t understand these things. How can something so bland, unfunny and uninteresting be appreciated so much. Definitely on the same level as Questionable Content... though for it\'s credit it\'s definitely better.

I would give it 2 stars because I do get an occasional chuckle, but I find I tend to hit harder against things that are overrated.
PhantomAGN 2/5
I followed the comic from its origin. I have since lost interest, as the plot fumbles and characters fail to develop emotionally.
The humor feels strained, the drama forced. It\'s not worth following any more.
guymandude 1/5
Ay-Dee, you would decide not to read a comic just because some people who like it are retarded? That\'s just not fair. It\'s not the writers fault? Why not give penny arcade a chance? I\'m not that big a fan of either of these comics, but I have read them both and in my opinion, PA beats this comic by a long shot. I hate saying this about a comic as I have my own, but this comic was awful. I gave it so many chances. I must have read 50 strips, but I can\'t stand this comic. You\'re better off with PA.
EvilMonkey77 3/5
meh. Its ok i guess......
brown_recluse_gundam 5/5
Gee wiz! More attacks on Mr. Buckley's alleged sexuality. How original, and totally out of place. Aint no problem with people expressing why they don't like a comic, but the creator's supposed personal life should have nothing to do with it.
Besides that, this comic is still great. CAD fans rejoice. Haters commence to hating.
brown_recluse_gundam 5/5
Still the best comic on the web. Boo-yah!
DeathbyChiasmus 3/5
I find CAD sort of amusing sometimes, and the art is not bad.
Not my favorite comic in the world, but it is enjoyable at times. I don't think it deserves its spot as most popular, but thats just my opinion.
brown_recluse_gundam 5/5
HA!!! First comment of the year. Here's wishing all you CAD lovers and CAD haters alike a happy and prosperous new year. Have a great 2008.
brown_recluse_gundam 5/5
WTF!!! I think you're in the wrong place, bob&mike. These are web comics. If you want to share bad poetry, you can go to deviantart like everyone else. OK? Geez! Talk about flinging crap.
brown_recluse_gundam 5/5
Typical CAD haters. Finding joy in uncivilized manners like beastiality. No wonder they don't take the time to enjoy this comic. They're too busy trying to chase the pussy...Or the puppy. Or the chimpanzee. It's really sad, but I'm not one to judge. Doggy style your doggy. We'll stick with the comics. Thanks.
brown_recluse_gundam 5/5
Read it and weep...From laughter that is! See what I did there? Huh? Huh?!
brown_recluse_gundam 5/5
I too would like to extend my congratulations to Order of The Stick for its ascension to the #1 spot. Being a fan myself, this is gratifying. However, for those of you that feel like this is some kind of personal victory from down voting CAD. Yall needa grow up. Seriously. Don't yall even think about coming on and talkin about how yall booted CAD down by down voting it because doing that would mean that you are taking credit for OOTS's climb to the top. That would be a great injustice to the work of Mr. Burlew. Hate CAD all you want. It will not waiver fans any. I know I still love it. CAD is a great comic. OOTS is a great comic. Both of them are at the top because they are great works of art. So CAD haters, before you say anything think about it first, and give credit where credit is due.

*flings poop* XD
brown_recluse_gundam 5/5
Big words hurt brain. CAD rules! *throws poop*
brown_recluse_gundam 5/5
OK, Captain. You hate Buckley. We all get it. Now, slither back in your hole so that us homosapians can enjoy our webcomics. That's it. Back in your hole. Who's a good captain? Who's good captain?
freeme 1/5
CAD is the Garfield of the webcomic world. CAD is boring and full of trite jokes without any substance. In the years where Tim Buckely has drawn CAD, the art has not matured at all; it remains banal and crude, as if it was drawn by a person who doesn't really enjoy to draw. Of course the art doesn't matter at all, when speaking of webcomics such as xkcd, but the script is equally hackneyed. You can guess what the punchline will be within the first two panels. The dialogue is devoid of any humor or cleverness. CAD is little more that fanservice for PC gaming pre-teens.
brown_recluse_gundam 5/5
Nice essay, Captain. Next time try writing it in L33T. Or, you can try just saying "CAD sucks" and get it over with. I can understand your frustration with the man's behavior, but, ultimately, nobody cares. Nobody cares about the man's personal life. They read the comic because it's good. And, it still is good. Also, I can go on about how people who are stupid enough to give money to a perfect stranger deserve what they have coming to them. That's besides the point though. People. Read the comic and judge it not for the person writing it, but for its content. Thank you. Good night.
brown_recluse_gundam 5/5
I don't understand why everyone keeps saying that CAD "lacks characters". How can you have a strip without characters? Alright. I'm just funnin with yall with that inquiry. Honestly though, how can anyone say that the characters on this strip lack character? These characters are oozing character. Also, somebody once stated that CAD was just ripping off Questionable Content. Really? Cause I fail to see the comparison. And, yes, I fail at a lot of things. Just thought I'd throw that out there before the haters did. Questionable Content is infact a great comic. It's one one my faves. However, it is a completely different comic from CAD. The only thing that they have in common is that they both have great characters. Even at that the characters are nothing alike, but that is why they are both great comics. Anyone with character can see that. Someone also brought up that CAD was ripping off Clerks. Again an excellent piece of work that just has nothing in common with CAD except for great characters. And as for PA? Yeah! No character. Later, characters! Read CAD!!
brown_recluse_gundam 5/5
This comic is the absolute best thing that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. It is hilarious. Mr. Buckley is a comidic genious. Way better than penny arcade or any other web comic. Anyone who does not find the funny in this comic has no pulse. Away with you, undead creature. And take that stick out your back side. As for the rest of us living breathing homosapians. Bask in the glory that is CAD.
prahanormal 5/5
great comic. because gamers ore the funnyist people in america!!
Falken 5/5
A much better comic than recently given credit. It isnt as incredible as it used to be admittedly, but it still beats the crap out that overrated pile of shite we call VG cats, each and every strip.
D-Wolf2k2 3/5
I really hate to say this, but Ctrl+Alt+Delete is just a TAD over-rated. It's good, but I wouldn't say it's the best out there.
ChrusherComix 2/5
Nice design, clean art. But #1? I dunno, there's a lot of comics out there in the world....
freeme 2/5
this comic is not BAD, but the psychopathic behavior of the characters really disgusts me.
pf27 1/5
Two words: Animated Series
Traitorfish 5/5
Undisputed King of Webcomics!
UglyShirts 1/5
"...and anybody who says it's a swipe of "penny-arcade", is a complete moron, actuly READ it, THEN make your opinion...."

Uh, attention, dumbass. If you bother to READ the other comments, it becomes abundantly clear that I DID read it, inasmuch as I reference specific elements.

You're wrong. I'm right. And this comic is a shallow rip-off. End of goddamned story.
Woots 3/5
I think that this comic is okay. Pretty funny most of the time.

I'm not gonna get into that whole CAD vs PA thing, cause it's not worth it. I don't care who was here first, but, in any case, this is not exactly the best gaming comic around.
Casts a Shadow 2/5
Often middle of the road. It is inside humour but still can be weak in that category too. It does have good moments is never terrible, but very far from the best...very.
It is a bad sign that I wanted to stop reading after awhile.
Just my opinion though...and I didn't read them all (as hinted at before).
UglyShirts 1/5
Sorry. I'm seeing a lot of "How dare you compare this to Penny Arcade?" comments here, and, well...gee...As early as CAD's first strip they were admitting that their concept was hackneyed. Two guys, on a couch, playing videogames, making wisecracks at each other. Toss in the too-hot girlfriends, the random surreal violence, and the in-gags about the industry, and it's a virtual fucking clone. For chrissakes, they even make cracks about the Xbox controllers being unwieldy, and rip-off PA's convetion of overlapping dialogue balloons to indicate interruptions. I can't believe a comic that's this much a shameless rip-off is #1. Weak, weak, weak.
rhathar 5/5
This is a great comic, and PA fanboys griping about how it doesn't have the same feel as them sucking Tycho's dick can just go to hell.
geekscomic 5/5
Holy shit this strip is funny. It's #1 for a reason. Read it or go to hell.
oppernaR 5/5
I think that's all there's left to say...

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