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User Profile For desdemona47  
I am a chiropractic student. I am a comic fiend. I like the friendly animals.
Comments Posted: 11
Favourites: 67
Profile Images Posted: 12
Comic Synopses Posted: 7
AIM JK Desdemona47
Below is a list of comments made by desdemona47, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Dominic Deegan 5/5
Highly addictive! I stayed up until 3:30 AM last night reading because I just couldn't stop, and then finished the rest in the archive in every spare second today. It is a very good read!
Comic: No Rest For The Wicked 5/5
Very tasty. I await more eagerly.
Comic: san antonio rock city 5/5
This url is wrong. This comic can be found at
Comic: Joe Loves Crappy Movies 5/5
I love this strip... it's the only theme comic I know that really sticks to its subject matter. Plus, in addition to the excellent comics, there are quite detailed, yet generally spoiler-free, movie reviews. These two elements add up to a must read.
Comic: Friendly Hostility 4/5
Very interesting characters and postures indeed.
Comic: Theater Hopper 5/5
Probably the best explicit self-insert comic I've ever read. Also, it may be the best webcomic featuring a beagle ever. Oh yeah. I went there.
Comic: Nothing Nice to Say 5/5
This may be the best webcomic ever. It's inspired so many knock-offs!
Comic: MegaTokyo 5/5
The latest storylines have been awesome! I think Fred's finally hitting his stride as a solo act in the last few months.
Comic: chocolate Milkmaid 3/5
Um, yeah, this is basically just porn. Very, very shameless porn.
Comic: 21 Dead Monkeys 5/5
This comic is hilarious. Even though the subject matter might fly over the heads of some people, the humor is usually not dependant on having an extensive knowledge of ska.
Comic: Strange Candy 4/5
I've been reading this comic for a long time, and while's a little slow-moving, the characters are interesting and fun (and numerous!)

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