Comic: Banzai Girl |
The art is pretty good, if you manage to look around the massive fan-service. (What? ANOTHER panty-shot???). The story, however, is all over the place, action\'s all hyperkinetic and with three different plot-lines sliding in and out, sometimes you get the feeling you\'re watching a music video clip. It\'s there, but it doesn\'t quite match up. Still not sure about this one... |
Comic: Supernovas |
Dead comic, it seems. Pity, because the plot was promising and the artwork pretty good... |
Comic: Fall Out Toy Works |
Perfect. From art to story to backgrounds to... Stop reading this comment. Start reading the comic. Now. |
Comic: Judecca |
At last! Another shiny little pearl like \"No Rest for the Wicked\"... Gorgeous artwork, tantalizing story, and a pretty irregular update schedule make this an instant Fav... Yes, regularity is nice. Art, however, doesn\'t allow for rushing. Rare are those who can hit both curveballs at once... |
Comic: Ultrasylvania |
One story, multiple artists. In a lot of webcomics, this would spell doom, but Ultrasylvania pulls it off with panache. Tantalizing story, regular cliffhangers, sound characters. This story gives you 19th century gothic in a way you\'ve rarely seen it: too many bad Dracula - Frankenstein ripp-offs think to portray only the monsters, or try to reinvent them in such a way that you no longer recognize/believe in them. Not in Ultrasylvania.
A must-read for fans of the Father of all vampires... |
Comic: Zap! |
Hi! Just started reading Zap! a couple of days ago, and I made it to present in just three stretches. You guys prove exactly what I love about webcomics: At least a writer has the time to create his story, and an artist has the time to grow in his style. Most \"dead tree\"comics suffer from artistic anemia - You only get to read those who are already good. Even if you flow from the first to the last pages in a short stretch, you have a hard time believing this is the same webcomic.
The artwork has evolved from zany webcomic to superior comic-art. The story grows more and more compelling, the characters more and more realistic...
Kudos to a GREAT webcomic. Thanks for sharing this one with us.
Counting myself lucky I discovered this one :-) |
Comic: Talismen: Return of the Exile |
What's to say that hasn't been said already?
I love the artwork, stunned by the shadowing techniques you use. This one went into my fav-list after just one glance at the most recent page; I'm reading the archive right now.
It's got everything that a classic needs; now to try and find it in print here in europe... ;-) |
Comic: Yamara |
Ahhhhh! Nostalgia trip for Dragon mag readers. I was very pleased to discover this in the list... |
Comic: No Rest For The Wicked |
A dark fairy tale, the likes of which will please Burton-fans. There is something disturbing about watching an axe-wielding (ghost?) red riding hood terrorize the woods, accompanied by Puss in Boots and the Pea-Princess... |
Comic: Misfile |
The characters in this one are so downright compelling and deep that it is hard to find a hole in the plotline. An original concept, great artwork (given extra depth in B&W) and strong plotline. If only commercial comics were HALF this good... |
Comic: Nodwick |
A weekly dose of Nodwick is an assured antidote to depression and glumness. The webcomic is enough to keep you functional until the print comic comes in again... Great stuff! |
Comic: Full Frontal Nerdity |
A hilarious comic if ever there was one... Online and free!!! It doesn't get any better than this!!! |
Comic: Order of the Stick, The |
I'm hooked! By golly, these things really give you something to look forward too... Give us more! More like this!!! |
Comic: Goblins |
Hey! Goblins are people too! Stop mucking with'em... ;-) |
Comic: Goblins |
Hey! Goblins are people too! Stop mucking with'em... ;-) |
Comic: Dork Tower |
Dedicated to everybody who loves comics, role-playing games, collectible whatever games, movies, series,... You get the idea. Dork Tower jabs at every fanboy's follies. It must be mine!!!! HUZZAH! |