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User Profile For Kristy  
Comics By Kristy: New Mercy Knights
Comments Posted: 5
Favourites: 27
Profile Images Posted: 1
Comic Synopses Posted: 2
AIM CrashBoomKisses
Below is a list of comments made by Kristy, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Eerie Cuties 3/5
Cute comic but an ad on it seems suspicious and redirected me to a questionable site. =\\
Comic: Knights of the Nexus 4/5
Cute comic. Keep it up, it's gettin' good.
Comic: Dominic Deegan 5/5
I just sat down and read the entire archive over the course of a couple of nights. This comic absolutely rocks. A lot of people say that the art is "lacking" and I actually disagree.

The art may be SIMPLISTIC, yes, but I feel that it expresses a great deal without being overly detailed. I loved the style.

The storytelling is amazing. This comic is so full of plot twists and I was blindsided by the unexpected several times.

The characters are lovable and well-rounded. This is one of the best, if not the best, story-driven webcomics I've ever read.

5/5 for me.
Comic: A Little Extra 3/5
The art improved later in what there is to offer right now, but I found the beginning very confusing. I'll check back later. =)
Comic: Blown a Wish 5/5
=D I love the art style and I can't see what this comic has in store for us. I really like what I've seen so far.

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