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User Profile
User Profile For OnlyTheGhosts  
I live in Japan, on the edge of a small town close to the mountains with a great view of the forested mountains and Japan\'s largest inland sea. My decision to create a webcomic may not be entirely rational, but I love stories, love writing, like to draw and create pictures (although I\'m not so great at drawing people or animals), and used to play heaps of roleplaying games when I was younger.
Comics By OnlyTheGhosts: The Monster & The Girl
Comments Posted: 9
Favourites: 5
Profile Images Posted: 1
Comic Synopses Posted: 3
Favourite Comics  
The follow comics are contained within OnlyTheGhosts's favourites list.

Now showing entries 1 to 5 of 5

11th Millennium
Profile Image Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 15 October 2012
Current Comic Ranking: 2418/
Status: Normal (?)

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11th Millennium tells the story of Hotaru Ito, a native of the terraformed world of Siduri XII in the far future.
Profile Image Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 30 October 2011
Current Comic Ranking: 414/
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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Schlock Mercenary
Profile Image Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: Before Time Began
Current Comic Ranking: 92/
Status: Normal (?)

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A pile of goo that likes to blow things up with a gun that goes THOOM is the title character of this sci-fi romp with a cast of characters that looks like they could come from the cantina in Mos Eisley. Galactic conspiracies abound as this company is just out to make a few bucks, but they often have to clone deceased members after unfortunate mishaps on missions, and keep running into pesky AIs a...
The Monster & The Girl
Profile Image Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 4 June 2013
Current Comic Ranking: 5793/
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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Stories told about the adventures of an immortal technomagical cyborg created by a mad alien god, and the mysterious beautiful woman that he has vowed to protect. In every lifetime that he finds her. The first Story Arc includes stories set during the last years of the Bright & Glorious Empire. The Verkara have ruled the One Hundred Galaxies for so long that few sentient species can concieve of...
Webcomic Pete
No Image Genre: Quirky
Date Added: 6 March 2013
Current Comic Ranking: 2804/
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

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Pete quits his job to concentrate on his life\'s dream of creating a webcomic. Humorous interactions with skeptical but supportive family. Funnier than it sounds. Updates Tues and Fri.
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