Comic: Webcomic Pete |
A cheerful relaxing read good for the occasional laugh, and an interesting look at normal life |
Comic: Paranatural |
Very funny webcomic with the most hilarious expressions. There\'s usually a lot of action going on, and it\'s well portrayed. |
Comic: Roomhates |
This is quite an entertaining read, made more interesting because there\'s unrevealed mysteries too. I really want to know who Onyx actually is, but that\'s part of the fun. Interesting characters and satirical weirdness. |
Comic: It Has Dragons |
It is actually steampunk, perhaps better categorised under SciFi. There are not enough choices on this site. Interesting story. |
Comic: Kaza's Mate Gwenna |
This a fun read, though clearly the concept is based on Tarzan Lord of the Jungle fame. Classic old-style adventure stories with Gwenna and Kaza both nude nearly all the time. |
Comic: Name |
Enjoyable, with beautiful artwork and what promises to be an interesting story. Tasteful erotica without being crude. Horror-fantasy for adults. |
Comic: The Adventures of Dr McNinja |
Hilarious, over the top, mad concept, but it\'s done so well you can abandon all sense of disbelief and just enjoy it. |
Comic: Busty Solar |
Overall, funny and tells a decent story. Artwork is well done for what it aims to be. Caution is advised; it\'s very crude on language and includes bestiality. That last part put me off, it\'s not my cup of tea. |
Comic: The Monster & The Girl |
Updates on Monday nights. |