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User Profile For joshintheghetto  
Comics By joshintheghetto: Josh in the Ghetto
Comments Posted: 10
Favourites: 12
Profile Images Posted: 2
Comic Synopses Posted: 3
Below is a list of comments made by joshintheghetto, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Garfield Minus Garfield 5/5
Simply innovative, something that's so simple yet so hilarious. I can no longer look at Garfield the same way again...and that is a good thing.
Comic: +EV 5/5
Simply put, one of the greatest webcomics out there.
Comic: Peanuts 5/5
Syndication doesn't make this comic feel like you've been there, done that.

By far the greatest comic of all time. Schultz was a genius.
Comic: Foxtrot 5/5
Modern-age reality with a twist of surreal humor. I can't help but laugh.
Comic: Ziggy 5/5
I'm usually quick to scream out, POOR ZIGGY, after reading it. Great comic, and you never really get tired of it.
Comic: Zits 5/5
Very true to life, but unlike life, you can laugh at this.

Parents and teens can both get laughs out of this one.
Comic: Josh in the Ghetto  
The reason it's under furry is unknown to me too. There was no field to file it under a genre when I submitted the comic, and I can't figure out how to fix it now. So it is perpetually stuck there.
Comic: Garfield 5/5
My first ever comic read. I was instantly addicted. This comic transcends everything, save Peanuts. You just gotta love this comic, or you're not human.
Comic: Bob and George 5/5
Definitely an inspiration to me. The fact that he can still do this and make us laugh is amazing in itself. So, gripe about unoriginal artwork. He was one of the first to start recolors. And at least he does Photoshop in special effects. This was by far the most incredible concept ever in comics, and I would stand up and applaud to him if I ever met him.
Comic: Josh in the Ghetto 5/5
One of the best sprite comics yet. Hope to see this thing stand the test of time

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