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User Profile For arandomfoxinthegrass  
Comments Posted: 5
Favourites: 33
Profile Images Posted: 0
Comic Synopses Posted: 0
Below is a list of comments made by arandomfoxinthegrass, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Cheer! 3/5
Heh D&D Jokes......funny.
Comic: anathema 3/5
This is pretty cool, i can't wait for more.
Comic: God Mode 4/5
I like this cominc for it comedic value and thats about it. but the comedy is friggin funny.
Comic: VG Cats 5/5
I started reading this comic when it irst came out. I loved it then, I love it even more now. The updating gets a little anoying, but i can live with that.
Comic: Chugworth Academy 5/5
I <3 this comic. Thats all i really have to say.

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