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User Profile For ABYSS_GK  
Comments Posted: 5
Favourites: 63
Profile Images Posted: 0
Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Below is a list of comments made by ABYSS_GK, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Blood & Water 5/5
Another awesome work by Jennie Breedan (Devils Panties), what more reason is there to read?
Comic: Grim Tales from Down Below 5/5
I simply love it... NBC is one of my fav moive, and GABM is a favorite in my cartoons list... This hybrid is artfully done in both story and design...
Comic: Powerpuff Girls D 5/5
I just found this on the web comics lists and I have to say I am very, highly impressed with it...
Comic: 8-bit Theatre  
The number one reason to read 8-bit..... Black Mage. I just love the little demon to death.... quite literally
Comic: Devils Panties 5/5
I just love DP.... Jennie's Batman love, off the wall life and interesting mishaps make me wish I had her as a sister (or something)... I'm proud to be a Jennie semi-clone.... cause batman rocks...

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