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User Profile For TheDeeMan  
HIT GIRLZ. It\'s like \"Mean Girls\" meets \"Pulp Fiction\".
Comments Posted: 3
Favourites: 0
Profile Images Posted: 1
Comic Synopses Posted: 5
Below is a list of comments made by TheDeeMan, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Chevalier: The Queen's Mouseketeer  
NEWS! For all CHEVALIER fans. CHEVALIER writer/creator Darryl Hughes (me) is working with artist Monique MacNaughton (my collaborator on GAAK and The Continentals) to relaunch CHEVALIER this september. You can find brand new character design artwork of the CHEVALIER reboot here:

http://www.webc s.php

Both Monique and I hope that you join us for CHEVALIER\'S relaunch in september.


Comic: GAAK  
Hi guys. TheDeeMan here aka Darryl Hughes, GAAK writer dude. Listen, since TWCL is kinda "iffy" when it comes to reporting Webcomics nation comic updates, Monique (GAAK artist) and I have set up an mailing list where you can get email notification of GAAK and ArrowFlight updates. You can find it here: ail_notify.php?do_this=join
Comic: GAAK  
Hi guys. TheDeeMan here aka Darryl Hughes, GAAK writer dude. For those of you who don't know, I was recently interviewed by the scifi webzine FI-SCI about GAAK, comics, scifi movies etc. You can read the interview here: special-features/daryll-hughes-inte rview-2.html

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