Comic: The Wyverns |
Something has happened to this comic. The website is gone. |
Comic: Oglaf |
A series of funny and not so funny vignettes that are sometimes sexy. NSFW, the artistry is quite good. |
Comic: Quantum Vibe |
Tech driven with good dialogue, excellent character development. Playful, the author inserts recognizable images. One favorite scene is where Obama lookalike puts on a Bush lookalike disguise (p. 200).
I don\'t know from technique, but I know what I like and I love this one. Well done in black & white grayscale the colors still come through. |
Comic: Architect, The |
This is a 20-page sample of a book available for purchase. Well done comic but I don\'t feel that it really qualifies as a webcomic and shouldn\'t be on this list. Normally I would rate this 4-Stars but there is only a very small short notice in italics at the very bottom of the webpage that simply states that this is a sample. Had it been made clear I wouldn\'t have wasted my time reading this. |
Comic: The Island |
Tried to read this comic and there is only one panel which was uploaded after the last update date listed here for this comic. Someone needs to contact the original author. The url in the lone panel redirects to Comic Fury which responds with \"comic not found\". |