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User Profile
User Profile For GraveRoses  
Writer, illustrator, publisher and full time nerd. I write about blood, sex and political cannibalism. When not at work (when is that?) I like to sing and play the drums, quad skate, chase my Great Danes around, watch foreign films and cook Greek food.
Comics By GraveRoses: Blade Dancers, Blood Legacies: Eternity
Comments Posted: 0
Favourites: 1
Profile Images Posted: 2
Comic Synopses Posted: 2
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by GraveRoses that are currently in use.

Comic: Blade Dancers
A dark steelpunk D&D style universe filled with undead, angels, talking weapons and butt kicking swordswomen. Demonique Angelfire is a young Blade Dancer who is destined to change the world. Deals with themes of violence, occasional nudity, and political intrigue.
Comic: Blood Legacies: Eternity
Hotaru is a firefighter by day and a pyro by night until she meets up with a group of Vampires at a burn party in San Diego.

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