Below is a list of comments made by White Roar, in date order (newest at the top).
Comic: Dead in Dreamland |
Sort or strange, kind of cool, me sumfin' to think about!! Mwahahahaha!!! |
Comic: Lucidfairy |
Such a nifty comic, fills me full of joy!!! Elation consumes me, maybe... |
Comic: Directions of Destiny |
Very good art, and is getting very interesting, need updates, or die, I is impatient at times, sorry!!! ^_^; |
Comic: Cursed Wings |
Comics!!! comiccomiccomiccomic!!!!!! Whooooooooooo!!!!! |
Comic: CHAOS Reawaken |
Neat comic stuff, it is nifty, zombie now!!! Rarr, you brains is mine!!! |
Comic: SugarStars |
Neato!!! This comic is interestingly strange!!! Yay!!! |
Comic: Eden |
How fun, the corrupt and uncorrupted worlds, in the same dimensions, good art too!!! Getting interesting it is!!! |
Comic: Demonic Boppu |
Good comic, nice art, and updated lots, so fun and refreshingly nice!!! |
Comic: Darken |
Such a fun comic, they get to do bad things just for fun, or payment, plus the art is good, whee!!! |
Comic: Captain Nemo |
Good comic so far, I like to read it, it is very fun, YAY!!! Feel should. Has good art also!!! WHEE!!! |
Comic: Fox Tails |
Yaaay!!! It is a cute comic, I like kitsune, so this is a happy day for me!!! |
Comic: Cyber.Baroque |
How neat, and great art too, the characters are really well done, and the storyline is getting interesting, yaaaaay!!!! Different having yaoi, I like it!! ^.^ |
Comic: Chugworth Academy |
I think it was a neat comic, it worked well enough, and has good art!!! Yaaay!!! |
Comic: CAGE |
Ze comic is nice and good, I seem to really like it, YAAAY!!! I a crazy old cat lady(to be), so don't believe a word I say, but it really is a good comic so far... |
Comic: Serenian Century |
I like this comic, it is neat!!! Yaaay!!! Looks like some actual effort was put into it, it is so nifty!!! Yeee!! |
Comic: Arcana |
I loved it much and was very good, and had nice artwork, it has been the best comic that I have read so far, yayzers!!! I don't care that I could just be insane or whatever, it was gooooood...good coloring too. |
Comic: Powerpuff Girls D |
WOW, why would they ruin the concept of how childish the Powerpuff Girls are, but it is an okay comic on the anywhos list, not a bad comic, but how dare they ruin Zim and defile Gir, I will have my nonexistant revenge!!! GRRR snarl, (I have rabies), stupid Zim and Gir defilement, that is the main problem with the comic |