Below is a list of comments made by Zorpheus, in date order (newest at the top).
Comic: Keychain of Creation, The |
Great comic that has unfortunately been abandoned by the creator despite numerous promises to pick it back up again.... |
Comic: Everwas |
Comic has been dead for a year and a half now, when the artist suddenly developed a depression. |
Comic: Otenba Files |
I\'d like to give this comic a good review, and a higher rating. But fact of the matter is, while I can tell a good story\'s going on in there, the lettering of the comic is terrible. It is often a toss-up as to whether or not I can figure out what people are saying in any given scene, as the text has the tendency to run together. Author, if you\'re reading this, your art looks great, and you can tell a story.... I just wish I could read it. |
Comic: Erfworld |
A very intelligent comic with its own distinct snarky and satirical brand of humor. Somehow, the writers craft such an intricate tale with such depth in their characters that, whether they be good or evil, friend or enemy, you can\'t help but care about all of them for their distinct little quirks. Makes it really hard to decide who to root for, I\'ll tell you that much. I literally can\'t wait for every update. |