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User Profile For db0 |
Comments Posted: 1
Favourites: 27 |
Profile Images Posted: 0 |
Comic Synopses Posted: 0 |
Favourite Comics |
The follow comics are contained within db0's favourites list.
Now showing entries 1 to 10 of 27
Basic Instructions |
Every strip is a set of humorous instructions on how to perform a different commonplace task.
Cectic |
A gag-strip about life, science, skepticism, and religion.
Disenchanted |
Vermintown is a sprawling troglopolis built of scavenged detritus.
Its maze of buildings – which began their lives as soda cans, cereal boxes, styrofoam cups and the like – is spread across both platforms of Wardour Street Station, dipping down onto the tracks, rising up the pedestrian stairways and clamouring along every VastFolk walkway. Despite the relatively small area the city therefore o...
Dresden Codak Presents |
"Dresden Codak Presents" is a bi-weekly comic that covers pressing topics like cats dressed up like Incas, shooting the elderly, Aborigines with jetpacks, Jonathan Frakes and Popes fighting communist Vietnam. There's also a frequently updated gallery of DC's various artwork deals. It's like an adventure every day!
Erfworld |
Erfworld's premise is that overlord Stanley the Plaid is conducting a military campaign to quest for the Arkentools - artifacts of ancient power left behind by the Titans who created Erfworld. Stanley controls one of these tools, the Arkenhammer, but his quest for the others seems to have been costly and unsuccessful; the story opens as his final living warlord is killed in battle. Stanley's chief...
Fighting Words |
Fighting Words is a weekly alternative political cartoon that has gained a solid following among readers of left-leaning political blogs, as well as general webcomic readers.
God Mode |
Once upon a time, a teenager created a popular video game cheat code website that was inexplicably bought by a billion-dollar corporation and turned into the ultimate gaming portal. Today, she\'s all grown up and overseeing the GOD MODE empire with an iron fist and a smoker's cough.
Gone with the Blastwave |
The lighter side of the apocalypse.
Happy Tree Friends |
Care Bears... but with death... lots and lots of death.
Holy Bibble |
The Word of God. This comic follows the bible itself, translating it from the original Hebrew to a language that the misguided youth of today can understand. Webcomics.