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User Profile
User Profile For TommieKelly  
Creator of a number of webcomics including Road Crew, Something Wonderful, From rags to Rockstars and The Holy Numbers.

Also dictator of
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Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by TommieKelly that are currently in use.

Comic: The Holy Numbers
The Holy Numbers is a comic by Irish author and artist Tommie Kelly.

It centres around a spiritual movement in Ireland, founded by a man who calls himself Ravensdale and claims that he is an advanced spiritual being from a higher dimension. This religion becomes the most popular new thought movement in the country and has no its eyes set on becoming a worldwide belief system.

It asks the question: What if all the alternative New Age thought about how our universe works, its secret history and its mechanics, was all true? What would the world be like? How would it affect us socially, politically and socially? Would the world be a better place, a more magic place? Would people be happier?

What if you had to believe in it to see it? What if the New Age is already here?

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