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User Profile For Jake Judas  
I was born in 1982 in South Wales and as is the case for most children, grew up watching cartoons, reading comics and picking my nose. As the years went by my ever-increasing fascination with cartoon art led me to try creating my own comics.

Drawn rather crudely on folded sheets of A3 paper I would pass these comics around amongst the other kids at school and people seemed to find them amusing.

Once liberated from school by being declared a young adult I increased my amount of drawing and from a few select character pictures developed these in to comics. The stories, artwork and disturbing events contained within are all my own work (unless otherwise stated).

I do not pick my nose anymore... OK, occasionally I do.
Comics By Jake Judas: Birth of Natty1, The, Biscuits, Codac P.I. in "Waste of a Coat", Creation, The, Date, Dix, Easter, Garder la foi suivez votre nez des conneries du scrotum or something like, In case of Emergency, Leevoy & Mr Phillip Slinky in "Dabber Dabber Doo!", Leevoy & Mr Phillip Slinky in.. Dab Hand, Love Sand-tuh-wich, My First Christmas Without You, My Name is Jonah, Playtime Of Days Gone By, Prank Phone Call, PUBIC HEALTH WARNING: Egg n' Chives, Recession Crunch Credit, Take Care, The Finest Fruit, The Workout, Them Things What Done Make Bad People, They're So Cute Together, Treasured Dreams Of A Blueberry Muffin, What Would You Like For Christmas?, What's The Worst That Could Happen?.. Or Is It?, You B*st*rd, Yuletide Regrets
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