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User Profile For SnailTsunami  
Comments Posted: 3
Favourites: 184
Profile Images Posted: 15
Comic Synopses Posted: 14
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by SnailTsunami that are currently in use.

Comic: Blackgrass

This is a story about a clairvoyant/spiritual medium named Rev. Abel Ruby, a sweet, well-meaning preacher who is slowly losing his faith and gets contracted into working for a lost soul that needs his help to find redemption! He begins to realise that “God” isn’t quite what he’s led to believe, and his perception of faith gets turned on its head!
Comic: Bloom County
Blooom County
Comic: Bonnie N. Collide
The story of Bonnie, a rollergirl, and her adventures at her humdrum day job. It contrasts the superhero side of being a rollergirl with the everyday blandness that is the nine-to-five cube job. Her coworkers range from the nerd to the corporate suck-up, and Bonnie’s innocent glee in everything she does tends to clash with the “normalness” of the working world.

Oh, and one of her coworkers is a middle-aged werewolf named Herb.
Comic: Carlo Collodi\'s Pinocchio
KC Green\'s (of Gunshow comic) adaptation of the original Pinocchio story.
Comic: Computer Love
Computer Love is a scifi/slice of life comic about love, sexuality, robots and hamburgers.

Computer Love contains nudity and sex scenes so don’t read it at work!
Comic: Doctor Cat
A comic about a cat who is also a doctor.
Comic: Li'l Abner
Li'l Abner
Comic: Mandy
\"Mandy\" stars a little dog with a big attitude — and a big crush on her owner, Jeremy Ivins.
Comic: Murder Brothers
A D&D comic about a group of friends playing as Grimtooth Skullfury the naked orc, hapless nobleman Fendrick Ravenholm, and FERNANDO. They get on each other\'s nerves a lot.
Comic: Portside Stories
A.K.A. Huggy Gender Dorks, an online webcomic about dealing and friends.

Nat Mint and Alexandra Stripes are roommates and childhood best friends, living in the fictional city of Portside. Portside Stories is a comic about and for trans people.
Comic: Shiny Things
Shiny Things are shiny! And things.
Comic: Spacetrawler
Six humans are shanghaied by aliens to represent Earth and speak out for the freedom of the Eebs, a race of genius aliens who were enslaved to create technology for all other races.
Comic: Things Could Be Worse
Depictions drawn from regrettable accounts of the less fortunate for purposes of instruction; so that one may avoid similar missteps.
Comic: Witticisma
This is a story about four people trapped in a vicious cycle of four panels.

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