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Onna Wild West

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Genre: Mature
Date Added: 7 December 2006
Last Update: 23 March 2007
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 17405/26237
Views This Month: 3   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 30   (More...)
Favourite of: 0 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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The year is 2050. The earth is different. Their is no
one, lone planet. There are several mini-planets, thanks to war, poverty, pollution, etc. There are planets such as "New Germany", "The New United States," "New Africa," "New Japan," etc.

There is now just one major, corporate conglomerate - Empire Broadcasting. One company that controls all the information - radio, television, downloads, audio, etc.

Enter pirate radio station, "K-Moo!" The sole purpose - the piss off the "Evil" Empire broadcasting company, it's nefarious subsidiaries, all run by one, Michael "Jim" Larotaski.

Three girls, aided by "Program Dirctor" Bobby and
his intern, Wendy, live to broadcast and piss off
the big guy! How to finance? Why "contract work"
of course. Their inspiration? The Old West, and
the fetish/yearning for a time where, by hook or crook...or perhaps, gun and rope (?), there was
"justice for all" and if you were a lawyer, or a politician, you could just as easily get shot by a six gun than do any long winded loopholes.

Join the gals of Onna Wild West. Each with their own demons to be dealt with...Yipee-Kai-Freakin' Ay!

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