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Genre: Quirky
Date Added: Before Time Began
Last Update: 13 October 2007
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 7766/26237
Views This Month: 86   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 50   (More...)
Favourite of: 24 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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This comic is "basically like treasure" hillarious story lines, great drawings, well developed characters, unbelievable one-liners, and really awesome lingo you won't hate yourself for adopting. Read it with your face-eyes!

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The below opinions reflect the views of the users of this site and are not in any way the views of The Webcomic List.

enesthi 4/5
It's an alright comic, it has it's moments. Definitely found the niche it belongs in. Not the best thing ever though, there are other webcomics out there that are a better match for some people. Open minds, people, open minds. Can't give it a 5 though, parts of the archive were a bit mind-numbing
UglyShirts 5/5
Achewood is an acquired taste to be sure, but once you get into it, there's no looking back. A richer and more diverse cast of layered characters than any ten strips, just the right mix of surrealism and tangibility, and writing that doesn't assume you were raised on "Garfield." Achewood is the reason web comics exist: This shit wouldn't wash in the mainstream. The only beef is that n00bs really have to read it from the begining to appreciate it...And that's a hella huge archive to have to digest. Totally worth it, though. Great stuff here.

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