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A Stranger in Paradise

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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 6 February 2006
Last Update: 3 July 2006
Current Comic Ranking: 11719/26237
Views This Month: 74   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 38   (More...)
Favourite of: 8 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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Day by day the citizens of Nautica work like dogs to support the forcas, the ruling family.
They submit their minds and souls while hoping for the day when they will reach the promised "Paradise".
Meanwhile the Forcas sealed themselves and their knowledge behind the mountainous Forca Wall, the one splitting the royal district from the dust-ridden industrial city.

Behind the wall, the young Irenil Forca has lived 18 years as a part of the royal family.
Though he is a popular memberof the population, his lingering past makes him critical of his current life.
Surrounded by strict rules and mindless servots (automated humanoid servants) and the coming of an arranged marriage, Irenil becomes interested in an alternative life: one that lies beyond the Forca Wall.

After many attempts he escapes to the Industrial District, where he meets with a strange servot, Mimi, whom is strongly interested in him.

Things go from weird to weirder when start rising from the shadows to attack the Industrial district and the Forca Wall.
Mimi forces herself onto Irenil and merges with him, granting hims strange powers of unknown origin, a new hero is born: Saviour.

But who really is Saviour?
Why did Irenil get chosen by Mimi?
Why those dark beasts seem connected to the Industrial district and hate so much the Forca family?
What were the origins of this strong division between the royal family and the industrial district?

Current synopsis by: butterfly-dragon
Current image by: butterfly-dragon

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