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A call to Destiny

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Genre: Mature
Date Added: 4 November 2005
Last Update: 14 September 2010
Current Comic Ranking: 1303/26237
Views This Month: 553   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 128   (More...)
Favourite of: 22 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

People who like this comic also like: Wrongside: Beginning, The Hero's Handbook
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An "Urban" sci-fantasy comic about a Human an Orc and and Elf Drawn together into a complicated mess of what was supposed to be a simple mission.
Of course, when you stick three people of Overly sexed races, you are bound to get some serious copulation going. Now updated Monday through friday. Unless the Fubar Principle is at work.

Current synopsis by: dumoktheartist
Current image by: dumoktheartist

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At the listed page this comic has 5 related comics consisting of around 20 to 30 pages each. The latest stated update was in early 2016 (approx. 3 years prior to this writing). The creator is still semi-active on the facebook page which has several related pictures, the latest relevant statements being that the comic moved to their Discord and is currently on hiatus. Their Drunk Duck page has been removed and all 19 products on DriveThruComics are gone.
EvilBall 1/5
Dude, thats the worst comic I've ever read. You should be ashamed
WHy am I in the Top 100?
Well Because
A) People apparently Like it.
B) I update Consistantly
C) I love what I am doing...
D) I shamelessly Promote
I dont HAVE to do an ip check because I dont need to prove anything. I have alot more stuff to do than to create a fake persona Just to pump up My comic's rating.
I am currently at what? 82 (Still in the Top 100) and where are you in the ratings Now? Thank you.
Why would I need to pretend to be someone else just to rate myself and pay myself a compliment?
I do that Plenty under this Nick. I dont need to Lie and pretend to be someone else.
Jardel 1/5
Actually an IP check doesn't prove anything, but the fact that Pillager has only appeared on the list to make one comment and didn't fave your comic tells me everything. As does your reply comic.

"User Profile For Pillager

Comments Posted: 1
Favourites: 0
Profile Images Posted: 0
Comic Synopses Posted: 0"

Feel free to post the results of your ip check.
Actually Pillager isnt me a simple IP search will prove that. Gee jardel, You really cant stand it when people might actually like something you hate?
I guess you have nothing better to do.
Jardel 1/5
FYI, Pillager is madgoblin trying to boost his reviews. This started as a mildly entertaining bad porn comic but has now slumped into an attempt at story and crutch for the creator's ego. Plenty better smut and stories out there.
Traitorfish 1/5
If you like disturbing cartoon orc porn, this is for you! Wait, what's that? You DON'T like disturbing cartoon orc porn? Well, you shouldn't read THIS, that's for sure...
Pretty poor, in basically every way.
Okay I still have the other websites for the comic, it is going to break down like this.
I will eventually use the bravenet site to show case character art.

the Yahoo group will be my storage space/fan group. roup/ACTDcomic/

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