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Glych's Experiment
The Experiment is simply that; an experiment. It's the random mind-wanderings of whatever goes on inside my head at the time. Sometimes it's dramatic, sometimes it's just a sketch, sometimes it's beautiful poetry, or just very funny. The Experiment allows me to explore interesting aspects of webcomics and comic timing in general without having failed experimentations show up in my more professional work.
Don't expect to have something completely refined; it's in the process itself that the experiment finds its strength. Sometimes an idea never leaves a sketch-form, sometimes it blooms into a complete world...But mostly it's ever changing. I like to explore the nature of art, light, color, and composition, to see how it affects the viewer. It is my belief that comics are equal to painting, sculpture, and other fine arts in it's ability to move the heart of its audience. The Experiment is just one step towards the recognition of that.
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