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Genre: Mature Date Added: 24 April 2005 Last Update: 31 May 2010 Archive Current Comic Ranking: 11167/26237 Views This Month: 33 (More...) Average Views a Month: 39 (More...) Favourite of:40 members Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)
Salient Caligation exists in a parallel reality of the Earth we know. The places and the people look and act the same but those dark places that scare and frighten us are much clearer, and the monsters that lurk in the dark are very real. We follow the life of an awakened human being, Caitlin Jie Sword as she has to face the monsters and demons of the world around her with a demon of her own, Ananga. She follows the dark and winding path of the damned without a hope of ever seeing Heaven but she still fights to protect a world she no longer cares about in the memory of a mother that abandoned her and a grandmother who was taken from her.