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Misadventures of Wonderboy
The sad tale of an idiot coerced into saving the world. One monster at a time.
Helped (or hindered) along his way by a sadistic author and an evil sprite designer, Wonderboy must battle against beast, fire, and his own short attention span to save the day.
The world has never been more apathetic towards being saved.
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Demon of the Light |
May I ask what happened to the site?
It was sad that the webcomic stopped to update but now even the archive is impossible to be seen... |
D-Chan |
Really? The comic can be found under 'Archives'...I thought that was simple enough...
Since I'm working off of Freewebs' template, the navigation is a pretty simple one. |
mos |
its a good comic but the navigation UI needs some serious work |
D-Chan |
What are you still doing here? You've said you don't like it, you've rated it, just move on. What are you, obsessed? Also, don't insult people solely for thinking differently from you. You're coming off like a complete dickhead. |
D-Chan |
While it's true about the graphics and the main situation being someone else's idea originally, I must protest at how you say the characters are someone else's. In the original game, there is no, as far as I am aware, character development of anyone. They just say one or two phrases and that's it. I gave them their characters, but not their graphics. A couple of them I did make up myself, though.
And yeah, the idea isn't original anymore, but very few ideas that are appearing nowadays are original. Get over it. |
D-Chan |
It is logical. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean effort didn't go into it. If you don't know what's involved, you can't comment. Sure, it's not as much effort as a hand-drawn comic and I know that would take a lot of effort. But I don't have the skill for that and this was something I wanted to do.
Yes, I like those comics, but I'm sure not every sprite comic author does. And as for rip-off, how so? Only in the concept of making fun of a game. Then what? Loads of things share a simple concept or idea. Is your comic the first and only comic that makes jokes "about pop (and not so pop) culture, especially music."? |
D-Chan |
Misanthrope: There's more to sprite comics than simple copying and pasting. Some people can't work fast, some people put something into their comics called effort. Ring any bells?
You're saying that like a fact. Don't try and be cool and say it is a fact, the only fact here is that that's an opinion. Your opinion. Not everyone thinks like you do, get over yourself.
Destructive criticism? Nice. Well, nice of you to take a crap over someone else's hobby, I bet you'd love it to happen to you. If you think you can eradicate this comic, think again. If you really want to wipe out a comic, sprite or not, you're going to have to find something much weaker. It'll take mroe than you to make a difference. Not everyone is good at art, I'm sure YOU realise that. Remember, before you point out the speck in your brother's eye, remove the log in your own. Gah, I can't believe I used a Christian quote...the sad thing is, it's relevant...
I would like to use animations more, but firstly, there's the size, secondly, it's my brother who makes those, I have no idea how to.
And in answer to the green text, yes, I realise that now. Unfortunately, I never had a problem with it, as I know what's written there and nobody pointed the problem out to me until recently. I'm currently in the progress of changing it, though. I did wonder if there'd be a problem originally, but I thought it turned out ok...but now I see it didn't, it should be changed soon. |
mixel |
I'm not going to rate it, but I can give some constructive crit.. Light green text on a white background? Ouch! Not a good idea. |
D-Chan |
Also, who checks back at a comic they thought was 'lame'? You are just a loser with nothing better to do than to see if your brainless comments had an effect on anyone in order to validate your useless existence. I feel to get bent would make us a bit too much like you, so we'll politely decline, fuckwad. |
D-Chan |
'Get bent whiners'? Nice. We never said the comments had to be nice, just give reasons for why you don't like the comic and maybe something we can improve on. Throwing around insults and not validating your opinions doesn't make you cool. It really just doesn't help anyone. |
D-Chan |
I was going to say something but I didn't want to stir anything up...but as DD said, please, if you're going to criticise, make it constructive so we know what you think is bad and isn't working so we can improve it. Making 3 word replies or insults doesn't help anyone. |
D-Chan |
Hah, I make this comic. No, really. |
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