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Sore Thumbs
Sore Thumbs follows a girl named Cecania after she returns home from college. She moves back in with her overly conservative mother and brother (Fairbanks) who drive her crazy. Fairbanks owns a "children's" video game store (which Mother paid for) that is going out of business due to the fact that no one will go within 200 feet of it. Cecania and Harmony make plans to take over Fairbanks and the store, sell some games people may actually like (things that include killing, etc.), and actually generate a profit.
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Robert919Stalf |
ArnoldHam |
[url=http://pro-furshet.ru/wp-conte nt/uploads/2017/06/50_receipts_samo gon.pdf][b]Ска 095;ать беспл атно книгу рецеп тов самог она[/b][/url]
20010,0,3500, Перег онка самог она в домаш них крите риях Перег онкой имену ют доста точно сложн ую техно логич ескую опера цию, котор ая проис ходит в итоге нагре ва забро дивше й браги до темпе ратур ы кипен ия...
Рецеl 7;ты самог она и домаш них спирт ных напит ков. Есть Рецеп ты быстр ого приго товле ния браги , без длите льног о наста ивани я
(с) [url=http://pro-furshet.ru/domashni j-rom-samogona/absent-iz-samogona-v -domashnih-uslovijah-recept.html]&# 1040;бсен&# 1090; из самог она в домаш них крите риях рецеп т[/url]
[url=http://triglavonline.ru/][im g]http://pro-furshet.ru/wp-content/ uploads/2017/03/gorynych_ceny.jpg[/ img][/url] |
bushwhacker2k |
I don\'t get it... is it supposed to be funny? Everything just seems stupid... |
blooper_boy |
One of those weird comics that makes you laugh at yourself before you even realize that it\'s you. (Then you kick yourself for being so easily tricked.) Good artistry, not to much of much, and a plot that keeps you trolling through the archives till you\'ve read all of it. |
Falken |
One of those strange comics that you read and dont really like at first, but grows on you forever. |
Traitorfish |
While I agree with Wodan's political plans, I have to disagree about this comic- the art's good, if a little cliched-manga-y, the humours good, and the characters are only mildly annoying (keep in mind that all comic characters are annoying to some degree, with the exception of Hobbes. Good old Hobbes!) |
mos |
this may not be the deepest of comics, or the funniest. But it does have its moments, and the art is good. it makes fun of conservatives and liberals alike, though you couldn't tell it from some of these comments. honestly, this comic isnt something someone can tell you if you will like it or not, just try it out and see. |
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