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The Anteheroes
Simply put, The Anteheroes is a webcomic about many things. Built upon an ensemble cast, it follows would-be gods, covert military operatives, wizards, shamans, and crimelords. Action, comedy, drama and philosophy are all central elements of the story, and we avoid leaning too heavily on one particular element. Variety is both the spice and the rule of life; The Anteheroes is not comprised of a single storyline, but a reality based on a world much like our own. To emphasize that, we run not one, but two comics.
The first comic, the chaplain and the god is a tale nine years in the making, a saga that follows philosophy, one-liners, beatdowns and explosions. The more serious of our two current offerings, it is our feature presentation. We\'re upping the ante - a new page goes up every day from Monday through Thursday. The second comic, Versus!, is actually a series of loosely related stories. Featuring distinctly stylized artwork, it emphasizes the action in the universe. But each story remains canonical, and some may tie back in to the main story. That updates every Friday. So tune in and get ready for a wild ride... we hope you have as much fun reading both of them as we do while making \'em.
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