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Malaak, Angel of Peace

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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 19 June 2010
Last Update: 19 June 2010
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 13404/26237
Views This Month: 20   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 34   (More...)
Favourite of: 8 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

People who like this comic also like: Metal Wing, Oops, Nevermind, Parallel Dementia, Fungus Grotto, Antihero for Hire
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As endless war rages in Lebanon, a mysterious child is found in a cedar forest. Malaak grows up to be faced with a double challenge: to come into her powers and to battle war itself -- a war in which the supernatural seems to have a hand...

In volume 1 we witness Malaak\'s birth, her learning about her gift and mission, and the shocking discovery that the country is being torn apart by Jinn disguised as militias.

In volume 2, Malaak gathers allies and becomes the people\'s hope, but narrowly survives a deadly enemy and has to realize force alone could only lead her so far.

In volume 3, Malaak is challenged again, and her friends are struck down around her one after the other. She must enter the world of the Jinn itself to face her nemesis, and in so doing discovers that the solution she is seeking may lie on a whole other plane of existence.

Volume 4 is currently in progress.

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