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Muy Muvesto!

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Genre: Manga
Date Added: 22 December 2004
Last Update: 30 October 2005
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 14957/26237
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Average Views a Month: 31   (More...)
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What happens when crime starts to ravish Suburbia, USA?

The people take to the streets, arm and arm with cops to fight back and protect their homes and their way of life. Right?


Eh, just leave it to the superheros! That's what they're there for after all.

Suburbia, USA is just like any other suburban paradise with each home having a white picket fence in front of it, a mom, a dad, 2.4 kids, a cat and a dog live inside and there's a standard mini-van parked in the driveway outside. Little girls skip rope on the sidewalk, while little boys build tree houses high up in the branches of the old oak tree in the backyard. When there is ill afoot in their paradise, the local superheros step in to "Save the Day!"

However, in Suburbia...the Superhero's are starting to slack off. Crimes are taking days, not instances, to be halted. The police force has had to dust off their guns and hats, and gas up their cruisers. Suburbia is under threat, of something evil and something dark, and no one seems to see it really coming..

That one aside from four teenage girls.

With the superhero's slacking off, and the townspeople not really noticing, these four girls unite, ready to save Suburbia!


There's just one problem...

They're not superheros....

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