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Tommy and His Portable Gaming Device

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Genre: Gaming
Date Added: 25 March 2009
Last Update: 24 March 2009
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Current Comic Ranking: 14106/26237
Views This Month: 1   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 33   (More...)
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Tommy lives in a world that is overpopulated by super-powered heroes and super-powered villians. Due to the over abundance, almost every town in the country has their own superhero. Almost like state representatives, when the amount of superheroes began multiplying they were assigned areas of the country according to population. When a hero grows too old to fight he chooses a successor. Nobody outside of the actual heroes knows how the powers are granted or passed from hero to student. In Tommy\'s New England home town of Rustington, their hero is the known as the Hammerer. In Rustington, the Hammerer is idolized by the population. Every kid in the local schools wants to be him. And most of them pray they will someday be chosen by him as the next district superhero.

Tommy could care less about Rustington, its population, or the lame \"hero\" that defends them. An outsider, all Tommy wants to do is finish high school and move the hell out of Rustington to the city. A place where no one knows him and the heroes are actually cool, not some toolbelt wearing hick. The only thing he cares about in this world is his portable gaming device. With an over-bearing mother, a workaholic dad who wanted a jock for a son, and a town chock full of hicks and burnouts, Tommy spends most of his time buried in his portable gaming device.

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