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Genre: Quirky
Date Added: 4 February 2009
Last Update: 3 February 2009
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 4539/26237
Views This Month: 2   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 73   (More...)
Favourite of: 0 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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ButterSword is many things, but if it痴 not a webcomic then I知 not sure what is. If it is a webcomic, it has evolved into fiction by this point. Fiction about the misadventures of Curtis and Ann across multiple planets and planes of existence.

If you enjoy science fiction and fantasy you might like ButterSword. If you enjoy action, drama, and comedy you might like ButterSword. Since this is now once again a new webcomic there is no better time to give ButterSword a try.

We値l also be including Classic ButterSword Revised below the new comics on most of the posts. Classic ButterSword Revised is a new look at some of the best and not-so-best comics from the daily comic journals we ran here for over two years. We値l be polishing the old comics with color and preparing a collection to shop for publication and/or syndication and we値l even be doing some of our first animated cartoons with some of the comics we find to be useful for putting our voices to.

We will also continue to blog, although likely not as frequently or as personally as we have in the past. MC can become very destructive, and instead of blogging out of obligation he値l be reserving his thoughts for entertainment purposes only.

Jen will contribute to the blog as well.

Lastly, various pages will begin to appear about subjects and topics only semi-related or even unrelated to the current webcomic as we find the time for discussing our interests. Subjects like games and computer games, gardening, home improvement and do-it-yourself will once again begin to resurface.

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