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Ten 2 Midnight

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Genre: Mature
Date Added: 30 December 2008
Last Update: 29 December 2008
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 16550/26237
Views This Month: 5   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 30   (More...)
Favourite of: 2 members
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Ten 2 Midnight is a web-based graphic novel created by Kitty Don and illustrated by Aaron Pierce. The story revolves around rotating groups of survivors after the end of time and space - or whatever it was that truly happened. No one knows what’s going on or what caused it, they simply know that the world has fallen into madness after an unscheduled solar eclipse drenched mankind into a stifling darkness.

Around the world there were reports of murders, insanity, demons, monsters, and even the undead. People killing each other in the streets and suddenly stepping away, unable to remember why or how it happened. The only thing that our group of survivors know is that somehow it missed them, and that somehow - SOMEHOW - they have to survive.

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