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Venus Envy

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Genre: Geeky
Date Added: Before Time Began
Last Update: 30 January 2014
Current Comic Ranking: 9269/26237
Views This Month: 41   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 45   (More...)
Favourite of: 54 members
Status: Normal (?)

People who like this comic also like: Sore Thumbs, Dominic Deegan, No Pink Ponies, Eerie Cuties, Road Waffles
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Teenage transgirl Zoe Carter recently moved to Salem, PA, where she gets to start her life over. Between soccer practice and Sunday Mass, boyfriends and girlfriends, outings and being outed, Zoe and her friends never seem to have time to just be "normal".

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curiousvalkyrie 5/5
Gotta say, I do love it. It\'s one of the few Real-Life Transgender webcomics that does a great job of balancing humor with drama.
snoosnoo 5/5
It makes me feel good when I read it.

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