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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 23 June 2007
Last Update: 23 June 2007
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 22013/26237
Views This Month: 7   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 28   (More...)
Favourite of: 0 members
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When the world ended a new world began.

We don’t really know what the old world was like though we live in its remnants. All around us are the artifacts of that old world but we still know little of what came before. Our repaired technology and found knowledge allow us to eke out a meager life for ourselves.

The Interceptors were created as a means of patrolling the outlands to protect Population form the bandits and nomads that plague the countryside. When our funding was cut we became a more grassroots organization, existing to ensure that the lives of the people here are as well as can be expected. While we still see to ‘intercepting’ the smugglers and criminals that attempt to get into Population we are more then that now.

While we do not know how much longer the world will survive we like to think that we are doing our part to prevent that final end. We live in an echo of the old world and soon that echo will fade. Until then we continue to fight.

We are the Interceptors and these are our stories.

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