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Genre: Mature Date Added: 25 April 2007 Last Update: 25 April 2007 Current Comic Ranking: 12516/26237 Views This Month: 19 (More...) Average Views a Month: 36 (More...) Favourite of:1 members Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)
This is a site that is rated mature!
The comic pages are in color and are disgusting, offensive and despicable!
The language used and the story line is adult oriented!
The content is without a doubt the funniest and most outrageous that you will see on the internet!
This cartoon extravaganza is not only despicable and offensive, it is also an experience that will haunt you for the rest of your life!
When your mind reaches back to what you had experienced at this web site, you will forever go insane with laughter!
This comic website is the most disgusting, offensive, and despicable comic website on the internet! It is also the funniest! It will throw you to the floor in a laughing frenzy! You will laugh your head off and your sides will crack and split open and your insides will quiver on the floor next to your laughed off smiling head!
I know this to be true because I am the creator of this intelligent design, of a comic extravaganza!
I remain, ...
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