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News from Comixpedia
Posted at ComixTALK on 26 June 2012 at 4:06am

Just to make it official-like, ComixTALK is on a bit of a hiatus, at least for a chunk of the summer months here in Norte Americano.  This website is a project that I love and have had a wonderful time writing for in all of its incarnations over the last almost-but-not-quite a decade, but it's also run out of steam for me.  I'd really like to bring it back as something different about comics so stepping away from it will hopefully give me a chance to try and make that happen.

Also, I started a new blog called ALTERTAINMENT where I still do write quite a bit about comics but will mix in other subjects too. For whatever reason, it felt like the right time to make a new home for me somewhere else on the web. It's still a work in progress, but since it's not ComixTALK, I get to make up what it is everytime I decide to post something.

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