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Posted at ComixTALK on 30 April 2012 at 9:04am

Whew - got one more post in before the beginning of May.  That brings my 2012 average up to -- what? -- one post every 2.5 weeks or so.  Thanks for bearing with me (well whomever is bearing out there in Internet-land).  New job, new projects, shifting priorities means less time for ComixTalk which isn't likely to change this year.  I do have some great ideas for building a couple of webcomic-focused sites that I really want to use on a regular basis.  I suspect others would find them useful too. Unfortunately not sure when any of it will happen. 


iWEBCOMICS: Jerzy Drozd linked to this story on the new Marvel infinite comics format for the iPad.  I've always been a fan of the web part of webcomics.  But there's a way to stretch comics without breaking it and then there's motion comics...  This approach by Marvel looks interesting -- it appears to leave control of the viewing/reading experience in the hands of the reader and it still maintains the panel as the atomic unit of storytelling.  I'll be curious to read the reactions from the blog-o-comicsphere.

FINDING NEMO -- AND COMICS: I've checked out Just the First Frame a couple times -- my big problem with it is that as a hand-crafted webcomic, it ain't scalable and that success will kill it.  Still I always suspect Lauren Davis is smarter about this stuff from me so let's all give it another look this week.

INTERVIEW: There was a good interview/feature on Jeph Jacques of Questionable Content at Bleeding Cool last week. Definitely worth reading if you missed it. (And if you missed Lauren Davis' review of the webcomic from earlier this year - also worth reading)

KICKSTART MY ART:  Charles Cutting has a Indiegogo campaign going to fund The Dream Quest of Randolph Carter - a print version of his graphic novel adaptation of a H.P. Lovecraft story. You can read the comic online to check it out.

In Search of... SCIENCE!: PhD Comics has comic-fied an interview with physicist Daniel Whiteson who discusses the search for the Higgs Boson particle at CERN (PhD Comics also did a similar comic-fied take on dark matter).

MAILBAG: Richard Pulfer writes that his webcomic, Blue Yonder (illustrated by Diego Diaz and written by Richard Pulfer and Luke Perks) is starting its second storyline:

When readers last saw Jared Davenport, aka Blue Yonder, the young hero had flown the coop from Claremont Apartments after learning his new allies included an ex-cop convicted of stealing evidence and a black ops solider with an even more checkered past. Will his old friends, the police-themed N-Forcers, be any help in locating his missing family? What about Voltra, the young girl who befriended him at the run-down Claremont Apartments? The answers to these questions and more will be revealed when Blue Yonder continues its weekly updates on Wednesday. 

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