A great overview/interview of Richard Thompson, creator of Cul De Sac over at BoingBoing. I really love Cul De Sac -- I wish it had a more organic webcomic presence because as great a newspaper comic strip as it is, newspapers just don't appreciate great comics like they used to.
AWARDS: I completely agree with Lauren Davis' reaction to this year's nominees for an Eisner Award in the category of Best Digital Comic. My extremely quick reaction was pretty similar but Lauren is a real journalist and so actually constructed sentences and presented coherent thoughts. Still I suspect she might agree with my final thought:
This year's [EISNER Best Digital Comic] nominees in particular feel like a world where instead of the Emmy awards, the Motion Picture Academy had just added a "Best Television Movie" category to the Oscars.
RAMBLING RAMBLING RAMBLING MAN: I had just fallen out of following writer, cartoonist, van-traveling troubadoor, LORE SJÖBERG, so it was a bit of a surprise to see his blog turned into a travelogue as he and his amazing van travel the country. Fun stuff - worth catching up on if you aren't already following him.
KICKSTART MY ART: Keith Knight just finished a successful kickstarter campaign and lived to tell about it. Actually he posted some tips on what he learned from his effort that are pretty useful ideas.
FORMATTED FOR YOUR COMFORT: Boing Boing writes up the "Advanced Comic Book Format (ACBF)" which is a free/open format for online comic books.
ACBF has a lot of cool features: support for creator metadata; per-panel/page definitions; multiple text-layers for multiple languages; text formatting and style data; auto-indexing and more. The format is CC-BY-SA, and can be found on Launchpad, along with GPL'ed viewers for GNU/Linux and Windows.
EVENTFUL: I don't know why I'm stumbling on to Rare Words so late to the party but the Internet is a biiig place I guess. Rare Words is a blog where Mark Burrier draws sketches based on phrases submitted through the website. There will be an exhibition of his work this June at the Flying Dog Brewery in Frederick, Maryland.
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