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KICKSTART MY ART: Kickstarter has cemented itself into comics in a way I doubt anyone really expected when it first debuted. Shaenon Garrity just launched a kickstarter campaing for book 3 of her webcomic Skin Horse. No question it will make it's modest goal (although - get over there and pledge!) -- in fact the interesting thing these days is seeing just how far past the goal these drives can go.
EXHIBTIONIST: The Dishman Art Museum in Beaumont, Texas (part of Lamar University) will be holding an exhibit of Ursula Vernon's work next month in April (begining April 4th) with a reception on April 6th. Make your travelin' plans now! The exhibit will featurie works from Digger, Dragonbreath (including a sneak preview of Dragonbreath 7), and several of Ursula's illustrations. Ursula will also be doing a signing at the local Barnes & Noble.
Richard Reynolds writes in about his webcomic, St. Shawshank's Infant School which he describes as "basically a re-telling of The Shawshank Redemption... only set in an infant school, and with all the added innocence that that implies." That's an interesting twist alright!
Sasha Peric writes in to ask us to take a look at a new comic, Pustinja, hosted on Google+. It's a wordless mini-comic, with artwork suggestive of wood-cuts. He's from Bosnia, and this new work looks like it's in a similar vein to previous examples of his comics.
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