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News from Comixpedia
Posted at ComixTALK on 9 January 2009 at 3:01pm

When Portland webcomic artist Evan Nichols announced the posting of "500 episodes of 'Ask Dr. Eldritch,' all on schedule and without poop jokes," it immediately triggered a surprising firestorm of response.  At the center of the controversy is Comic #60, which some claim contradicts this assertion.  "The Eater of All says he's going to pupate, and Trevor the Troll replies that he doesn't do bathroom humor," said one Fan, who spoke on condition of anonymity.  "If that's not a poop joke, what is?" 

Myriad other fans disagree, stating that explicitly excluding this lowbrow form of humor is a meta statement about it, and not actually sinking to that level.  Evan Nichols, the webcomic's creator, attempted to quell the debate.  "I'd rather be known for reliably posting on schedule, or producing the best photocomic that almost nobody is reading," Nichols said.  "I'm afraid that even the fact that I've posted 500 comics is getting lost in this argument over poop-related semantics."

Despite the ferocity of the disagreement, no trace of it can be found on the Internet.  No explanation has satisfactorily addressed this mysterious situation.   To find out the truth, everyone is encouraged to read "Ask Dr. Eldritch" and decide for themselves.

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