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Posted by DocM (profile) on 9 April 2005 at 6:04pm
This time round, the creator of Ctrl-Alt-Del Online, Tim Buckley, has spared some time away from his X-Box to give us an interview...

1. Did you find it difficult to first design the characters Ethan and Lucas?

Tim Buckley:
Not at all. The concept for Ctrl+Alt+Del was inspired by the lives of myself and my best friend. I thought it would be fun and appropriate to model them after ourselves, at least in physical appearance. Over time, however, Ethan and Lucas have developed their own personalities.

2. Where did you come up with the idea for Winter-een-mas?

Tim Buckley:
It started as mostly a gag. Just another wacky storyline. After the first Winter-een-mas, I began to really consider creating a holiday just for gamers. I mean, practically every other social or religious group has a holiday or celebration. Why not gamers?

3. What made you think "Hey, let's turn the X-Box into an X-Bot"?

Tim Buckley:
The desire for a new character, coupled with a love of writing robot characters. Since they're not human, they provide a whole different challenge and angle to the character dynamic. Since it's a gaming comic strip, the progression was pretty natural.

4. When you first started Ctrl-alt-del, did you think it would become one of the best webcomics ever?

Tim Buckley:
I'm not sure it's one of the best webcomics ever, but I appreciate the compliment :)
No, when I first began the strip it was nothing more than a hobby, and I had no expectation beyond it being just another thing to stick on my portfolio/on a resume. I had no idea it would get as big as it is, or that it would take me to the places it has. And certainly not that it would become my full-time job.

5. Do you enjoy making Ctrl-alt-del?

Tim Buckley:
I absolutely love it. Creating this strip has been one of the greatest joys of my life, and I wake up every morning thankful that I get to do it for a living.

6. Pancakes?

Tim Buckley:

7. If you could actually meet one of the characters, which one would it be?

Tim Buckley:
Definitely Ezekiel, the Xbot. All of the other characters are just facets of my own personality, and as wacky as they be at times, they are just regular people. The Xbot is the only one that defies reality, so I think he would be the most interesting to actually meet.

8. Are Chef Brian's sayings completely random or do you spend time actually making them?

Tim Buckley:
Both. Most of the times they just spill onto the paper, but occasionally I have to carefully craft them to fit my needs.

9. Last question... have you ever overclocked a bacon sandwich?

Tim Buckley:
Once, but it met with disastrous results. The lettuce fried on boot-up.

Well that is the end of the interview with Tim Buckley. I would like to thank him on behalf of all the readers for taking time out to give us this interview.

Peace out.

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