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Marry Me

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Genre: Manga
Date Added: 21 February 2007
Last Update: 31 January 2022
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 774/26237
Views This Month: 832   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 170   (More...)
Favourite of: 205 members
Status: Normal (?)

People who like this comic also like: Three Panel Soul, Olympus Overdrive, Star power, Building 12, Better Days
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MARRY ME is a romantic comedy graphic novel set in the world of pop music, written by Bobby Crosby and illustrated by Remy "Eisu" Mokhtar.

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eworewoija 3/5
I really like the general idea, but I think the author has wasted a lot of potential in this comic - this could have turned into a brilliant half realistic, half humorous story about a pop star and a guy who isn\'t even her fan being forced to live together, trying to work ou their differences and eventually falling in love. Instead we get a fast-paced irrealistic comic - very romantic, quite funny and overall enjoyable, but leaving you a feeling that somethings missing.

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