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Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 28 November 2004
Last Update: 23 March 2016
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 204/26237
Views This Month: 8474   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 1026   (More...)
Favourite of: 283 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

People who like this comic also like: Outsider, Demonology 101, Crap I Drew On My Lunch Break, Crowfeathers, Sandra on the Rocks
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This is no ordinary webcomic! Follow the adventures of two women: Maytag, a nymphmaniac jester girl with split personalities; and Bernadette, a female knight and bodyguard.

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skythorn 3/5
I\'ve put this one in and out of my favourites several times now. I cant get the gender roles sorted out in my head well enough to enjoy the comic, that fantasy and magic aspects are fine, the character development is a bit woody, and we are getting a rollout of the underlying phillosophy that the central character has in her jester thievery omni-sexual role, yet it\'s just not satisfying to me somehow. It\'s just ... a little bland ... in terms of character development. Lots of action, but the same roles being illustrated with different settings and backgrounds.

Sorry, i really cant (today anyway) say that the webcomic is a favourite. It\'s good and reliable and effective at its way of telling a story, but it\'s just not doing it for me.

29 June 2011
reever 5/5
Good artwork and a good story
wickedjulie 5/5
oopse, forgot the rating. Teehee
Definitely one of the best out there. Great story, great character development, beautiful artwork. Every time I read a new strip, I find myself longing for the next one. Would be amazing if they updated it 4 times a week... or more ^_^
Woots 5/5
Undeniably the best anime comic I've ever read. Great art, great characters, great story, you gotta love it.

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