Howdy comics fans! Well hope you had a nice summer, I sure did. Still evaluating plans for what to do with COMIXTALK 2: THE TALKENING but I figured I owed someone a post about something.
CONVENTION TIME: Washington DC has both SPX and Intervention happening this month. Plus Baltimore's Comicon is this weekend. When it rains it pours (except when it's humid and it just kind of sticks). I am going to try and make SPX and Intervention this year.
SPX is September 15th and 16th. Going to SPX is like taking a deep dive into comics as comics. \ Very little (NONE!) of the trappings of a more "community" oriented comicon. Although lines have gotten longer over the years also a great place to meet some of the creators of the best comics on the web and off. Plus attendees can vote for the Ignatz Awards.
Intervention is on a different weekend this year, September 21-23 (RELIEF - both cons on the same weekend last year was a killer!) and has more of a general cool stuff from the Internet vibe to it. Still a different animal than a standard comicon but an altogether experience than SPX too. A great list of guests this year -- Shaenon Garrity and Jeffrey Wells, Danielle Corsetto, Jennie Breeden, Pete Abrams, Rob Balder, Christopher Baldwin, Jami Noguchi, actually more more more (I give up, just go to their website).
READING COMICS: I read Drama by Raina Telgemeier. REALLY GOOD - will have a real review up soon. Also got a copy of Superhero Grammar. My kids who are already full fledged GRAMMARIANS said they thought it might be a good book for younger kids learning grammar. (Scholastic gave COMIXTALK review copies of both books). Also saw that AMULET 5 is out -- I need to get ahold of that! I have also been rereading a lot of webcomics over at Comic Rocket; many posts at my new blog ALTERTAINMENT are about that -- check them out.
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